The Mud Life Magazine

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🐶 Flexi Lead - Classic

When we re-homed Lilly just over 3 months ago, her old Mum gave us a few bits and pieces including a retractable lead.  Having never owned a dog before I happily carried on using the lead, and feel it is worthy of a review.

In the last 3 months I’ve clumsily dropped it numerous times whilst juggling my early morning flask of coffee alongside poo retrieval.

The sudden thud of it landing of the floor has often spooked Lilly who has consequently bolted off with it in tow, and despite being battered, scratched and filthy, the sturdy mechanism still works as it should.

The tape itself has been wrapped around tress, bushes and all manner of shrubbery as Lilly has darted off chasing squirrels, and it remains tear and fray free, which is actually quite amazing, considering.

It keeps tension, so as Lilly wanders the lead extends, and as she walks closer the lead retracts into the handle, never leaving any slack. 

With the help of the integrated braking system, which is just a press of the button, Lilly is always under control, and the length can be adjusted and locked in place when required with the locking button.

Ours is the Classic M 5 metre tape version which is suitable for dogs up to approximately 25Kg, though the Classic has now been replaced with the New Classic which comes in a variety of colours, lengths (3, 5 & 8m) and cord options. 

We are really happy with the Classic, but whilst researching for this review we discovered Flexi do a variety of other leads - Extreme, Neon, Glam, Leather and one called Giant, that has a whopping 10 metre length, so we may have to upgrade so that Lilly has more freedom to roam.

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price - from £15.17

available at